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If you could change anything in your life, what would it be? Would it be:
Be more Confident?
Have better Health?
Better Manage your Money?
Build a better Relationship?

All Change Starts in the Mind - Begin your Transformation today!

James Gustason

Mind-Set Expert - Transformational


Rid Yourself of Limiting Beliefs and Behaviors 

You can achieve anything you put your mind to....working with a Mind-Set Coach and Certified Hypnotist can make it easy.  


When the programing in the subconscious mind does not match the goals and dreams of your conscious mind, it is very difficult to create the lasting change you desire and deserve.

As a Certified Hypnotist and Life Coach, I specialize in helping my clients free themselves from limiting beliefs and help them achieve their goals and desires. 

Coaching both the Conscious and the Subconscious Minds helps you shift your Identity away from an old life to a new one where both minds agree on how to help you live the life you want. Through this process of transformation, you will find that your self-image will begin to reflect the person who is already living their dreams. Read more..... 


So why work with a Hypnotist? Because hypnosis has been shown to be one of the most effective change modalities and when used by a skilled hypnotherapist, rapid and long-term change can happen quickly. Also, hypnotist are subconscious experts and understand the underlying programming that is "blocking" the change you want. Many of the reasons you are not accomplishing the goals you set and are not living the life you desire is because of the "prime directive" of the subconscious mind. 

The prime directive is to keep you safe and alive and away from things that cause you pain. Now that does not sound too bad, right? Well if you have ever had an emotional event (a difficult break up or perhaps lost a job for example) happen to you which your subconscious mind attached a feeling or emotion to it's job is to keep you from ever doing it again. Because you will have strong emotions and feelings causing you to second guess your decision, it will be difficult to push your way to the change you want. As an adult, you are able to navigate the world using logic and reason in addition to feelings and emotions; a child cannot. The part of the brain we as adults use to reason is called the Prefrontal Cortex and children do not have this part of the mind functioning until around the age of 8 and not fully developed until around the age of 25.

During our very early years we are in "observation" mode and learning through modeling what others do, how other's react to events in their lives and of course what we are told, both directly and indirectly. Without the aid of the Prefrontal Cortex we are simply allowing all of these "instructions" on how to navigate the world direct access to our subconscious mind; to the hard drive of our minds.

While we do prune and eliminate some of the programing we are given at birth, some of the more traumatic events we experienced in our youth create strong emotional responses which are much stronger and do take some work to eliminate. Hypnotists are trained to help you "rewrite" the programing, or at least the response to triggers that activate the old pattern and free yourself from the self-defeating limiting beliefs held as protection. 

What limiting beliefs are holding you ready to be rid of?

What People are Saying

Hi my name is Cheryl and I came to see James as a last resort for weight loss. I did lose some weight through this process but what I gained is so much more than that, it’s invaluable. Finally after 53 years food does not control me. I am the one who is in control and I get to decide what, where, when and how much I eat. I no longer use my body as a waste basket. Food is no longer my drug of choice. I was able to let go of the things in my past that were holding me back from achieving my dreams. I learned ways other than eating to manage the emotional turmoil I had been dealing with my entire life. I have a very clear vision of what I want to achieve in my life and exactly what I need to do to get there. I am good enough and I deserve to have the desires of my heart. James helped me to unlock the knowledge I already had inside me to regain control of my weight, and feel more self confident. I finally love myself for who I am. I am excited for the future and what it holds in store for me! I would encourage anyone who is struggling with their weight to reach out and allow James to help you the way he has helped me. I promise you will not regret it.

Cheryl S. Kaysville

Programs for Success
About James

Achieve Your Desired Outcome with James Gustason, CHt

Life Changes that Last

Life Coach, Certified Hypnotist & Mind-Set Expert

Over the last decade, I have helped thousands of people just like you shift their inner beliefs to align with their desired outcome.

It all started when I became a certified nutritionist and began helping individuals work towards their desired weight-loss goals. Over the years, it became apparent to me that despite my clients initial accomplishment of achieving their goals, they simply could not maintain their outcome. The weight would simply come back once they had achieved their weight loss goal. 

After seeing the frustration so many of my clients experienced, I made it a priority to discover how to better help my clients achieve LASTING weight-loss. In my discovery process, I uncovered the power of the mind in allowing us to achieve any of our goals and dreams, not just with weight-loss but with any area in our lives we decide to change. 

Now I work with anyone who is READY to make changes that will last and carry them forward to living the life they desire and deserve.

What People are Saying

James is an amazing colleague and friend. He is always there for me and my kids whenever we ask. He is extremely skilled in Hypnosis and has been very successful at helping me work through any difficulties I bring to him. He is always staying up-to-date on all the latest techniques in hypnotherapy and has always been open to sharing these techniques with me. I trust him with myself and my children. I am truly grateful for him. Sincerely,


Teresa S. LCSW

Certified Life-Coach

"As a Life Coach - James is focused on the long-term life changes you want and is trained to help you create the plan best suited for you!" - Teresa - Layton UT

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Years ago, I was able to make massive, positive change in my life thanks to a life coach you all know....Tony Robbins. It was during my training with Tony's programs that I began to understand the importance of proper framing of 3 key things. 

1. Know where you want to go - Be clear with what your outcome will be. How do you know when you have arrived.

2. Proper Mindset is absolutely crucial. Fear is the #1 reason people fail to succeed at reaching their goals. Fear is a subjective word that means so many different things to different people, but at the end of the day, fear robs you of hope, motivation and most importantly, it robs you of taking action!

3. Action leads to where you want to be. Without action we stagnate and simply stay where we are or we move backwards. We all get motivated at times in our lives and it is in those moments that we must take action and create a new reality of where we are so we can move forward.

It is because of my own transformation that I devoted my life and career to becoming a Life coach.

Life Coaching is the act of empowerment. As a Life Coach, I help my clients expand their awareness through powerful and thought provoking questioning technologies. I help my clients ask the right questions to better define what they want to accomplish. Clarity leads to simplicity in mission and purpose. Complexity is the death of execution as Tony Robins says and my goal is to help you create clear and concise goals. It is said that the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our questions. My primary goal is to guide you in asking the right questions to help you focus on the right outcome. Working as a hypnotist and life coach allows me to help you transform your life. 

I also help my clients discover their gifts and talents faster then they could on their own; helping clients develop skills to unlock their true potential. Accountability is essential in attaining any goal, but one that needs to be done in away that motivates and inspires action. One of my passions is unlocking human potential by aiding my clients to know when is the best time to activate their own natural motivation through dopamine and serotonin activation. Basically, I know when the best time to activate the release of dopamine, the motivation hormone, and when to release serotonin, the gratitude hormone, to ensure proper movement toward goals   


What People are Saying

I worked with James regarding an autoimmune disease that I felt was my genetics simply manifesting themselves in my life. I had been told for years that I would not die from my disease, but I would die with it. I felt the strain on my body daily until James helped me begin to understand that my mind and my neurology could heal themselves and I could be whole again. Before James was working online doing zoom calls, he made me Hypnosis MP3 audios I would listen to at night and in the morning to help reprogram my subconscious mind to begin to heal my body. Miracles have happened as the symptoms of my disease have decreased over time and my blood work now shows my body is ridding itself of the disease. While James does not market himself as a healer as he will tell you himself that he is not, he does understand the body and mind at a level that allows him to help anyone who is ready for change to begin to selfheal. I recommend you meet with James today.

T. C. Salt Lake City

MINDSCAPING by Mike Mandel

Ever had that moment when your subconscious mind gives you the exact answer to your question? It usually happens after you have slept or allowed the conscious mind to do something else by focusing on a different area. What if you could tap into the subconscious deliberately and have your subconscious mind give you the answers now? James uses a technique aimed at doing just that.


James is trained in a process known as Mindscaping which allows your subconscious mind to reveal to you the path best suited to resolve your question, desire or need. Metaphor is the language of the subconscious mind and much is learned through context and as you allow your subconscious mind to create a metaphor to bring to your conscious mind meaning to a question, you are able to move forward.

Using a technique called Mindscaping developed by Dr. Mike Mandel, James guides you in a powerful metaphor representing your life where understanding is revealed. Many clients notice that once the metaphor is understood by the conscious mind, the change generalizes into all areas of their lives. 

When combined with the correct mindset, proper framing of goals and strategies, Mindscaping strengthens the new programming to allow the client to move toward the desired outcome.


Read more...... 

What People are Saying

James is as thoughtful and insightful as he is compassionate. I was inspired by him when we trained together back in 2019 because he simply grasped the concepts and seamlessly implemented new and sometimes very complicated tools. James is a good guy and I've reached out to him several times to discuss methodology. His understanding of our profession is fantastic. Thank you James!


Matt M. Phd. CHt   Raleigh

What other areas can Hypnosis and Life Coaching help with?

Want to quit smoking?


James is a Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist Stopping smoking is known to be the easiest way to get your health back on track. 

James is Certified in the most successful stop smoking program in the world today. 90% stop smoking with one session. Read more.....

Want to lose weight? 


In addition to being a Certified Hypnotist trained in the famous Virtual Gastric Band protocol out of the UK with renowned hypnotist Shelia Granger, James is also a Certified Nutritionist with over 10 years experience in helping individuals lose unwanted body weight. James can help you decide which process will help you accomplish your goal. In this process, James will also help you feel an increased desire to exercise and move more as that is the fastest way to help burn off unwanted body fat. And part of this process is to help you create a new identity where weight is no longer a part of your life. This is powerful as the unconscious mind will often attempt to get you back to the prior weight. Hypnosis can help you take the vision of what you want your outcome to be and reprogram that outcome into the unconscious mind. Read more....

Want to be rid of that fear once and for all? 

Hypnosis is the fastest change modality for fear removal. Using the Rewind Technique designed to help remove the emotional charge of any fear he learned with studying with the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy James can help free individuals from old fears and limiting beliefs.

Want fast relief from Anxiety? 

James has been trained in the fastest anxiety relief techniques. Using the body's neurology to get rapid relief to immediate anxiety and then using processes to help recondition the body and mind to a new way of dealing with old thoughts and issues that once created the anxiety. Anxiety if a habit and as such can be reprogrammed. Imagine feeling free from that old patter now. Read more......

Tired of Procrastinating your life away? 

There are multiple reasons people find they procrastinate and every single one of them is tied to a feeling. By using techniques that once again use the body's neurology, James helps clients blast past the sticking points by helping them reframe the reason from one of not taking action to one of desire to move forward. Read more.....

There are limitless ways hypnosis and coaching can help redefine life's problems and concerns from feelings that are debilitating to those of liberation. Perhaps it is time to reassess what is holding you back and take action and start the process of redefining how you want to live your life today! 

James is available via Zoom to have a brief but thorough evaluation with you to see if now is a the right time to work together to create that change. Schedule your FREE strategy session now.

Learn More About James

James is Certified as a Hypnotherapist with the renowned Jacquin Hypnosis Academy - Specializing in On-Line hypnosis and Transformational change. 

James also has his Hypnotist Certification with Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy and is currently training with Hypnosis Instructor and Board Certified Trainer Jason Linett and Dr Richard Nongard to receive his Professional Hypnotist Certification with the ICBCH.

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James is a member of the Knowledge Broker Blueprint where James received extensive training with Tony Robbins. James is a Certified Life Coach having trained with Dr. Steve G Jones and uses NLP techniques to help his clients get the results they want.

James is committed to staying up-to-date with all of the most current hypnosis, life coaching and neuroscience data available. By combining his knowledge of how the brain and body work, James is able to assist anyone looking to improve their lives using proven rapid change techniques. 


But wait, there is even more....


Improve Your


  • FREE Yourself From Old Limiting Beliefs of your Value and Potential.

  • Refocus your Mind to See you for your True Value and Worth

  • Train Your Subconscious Mind to Create Positive Outcome Patterning

Your Self-Image is your Identity - Make yours reflect who you truly are.....
  • Learn daily conscious techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind

  • Use hypnosis and guided meditation to help the subconscious align with how you want to be. Not how you were programed.


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Stop Smoking Now! Unique Transformation Program!


90% Stop Smoking in About an Hour....No Harmful Side-Effects. Your Smoking Problem Solved!

Relax Your Way to Success and Finally Be FREE of that Smoking Habit!


Virtual Gastric     Band

  • Lose Unwanted Body fat Naturally.

  • Stop the ups and downs of weight-loss.

  • Redefine your Identity all while ridding yourself old limiting beliefs about who you are.

Gastric By-pass with Your Mind?

Absolutely Proven!

  • Not a Diet

  • Cost Effective

  • No Invasive Surgery

  • No Complications

The Virtual Gastric Band is a program designed to change how you think about food by making small, realistic changes that you can actually live with.

Read More.......



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Hypnosis is a Natural State of Mind We All Drift In and Out of Every Day, Several Times per Day. Hypnotists are Certified Professionals Trained in the Healing Art and Science of Hypnosis for Self-Improvement. By Reading this Website Content, You Agree to Accept Responsibility for Your Own Experience. Authors, Creators and James Gustason and Associates, Hypnotherapists, Coaches Do Not Accept Responsibility for your Use or Interpretation of This Information.

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